Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It Helps to Read the Fine Print: Or, read all of the Syllabus carefully

This is one of those face palm moments.  I have spent any spare time that I have working on the current assignment in LIS 631. This is that assignment where we go and create a faux library website and blog using WordPress. I have spent many, many, many hours pouring over tutorials, reading about HTML tagging, looking at youtube how to presentations, you get the idea. My frustration level is rising and I have yet to actually begin creating the site. I was all set and was beginning to understand where and how to use all the tags, I had numerous bookmarks to refer back to if I got in a jam. I decided to go back to the Assignments link in Blackboard to make sure I had all my bases covered. I start reading the instructions as I had dozens of times. Then I saw it. 

Our goal is to create a small scale website that incorporates several social software and interactive features with WP without using any tutorials or extra help.

Nuff said


  1. I also had a hard time starting this assignment and spent many hours trying to figure out how to use the right plugins. I have to say that this assignment was challenging and I learned a lot about website design using WordPress.

    Cheers, Ellen

  2. Wait to see my comments on my next post about this assignment. It was a bear.
