Monday, October 7, 2013

Weary of WordPress

Where to begin in regards the faux library WordPress assignment...well, it was a bear. At this late hour a day before the assignment is due to be turned in I am about finished. I do not think I will have covered all the requirements but I am at least happy with the look of the final product. Some of you might be put off by the topic but I am a long time student of military history as anyone knows who took LIS 620 with me.

I spent a huge amount of time trying to get things to work using the byethost tools. I was writing HTML code and finally in frustration I installed Dreamweaver on my computer to help me get things done faster. I was discussing the issue with my co-worker that oversees our law library blog page and sets up our lib-guides.She wondered why I did not just go directly into and create the site that way. She did not see the value of byethost and at this point and time neither do I. I never could get most of the tools to function in any meaningful way. Once I shifted my focus to working directly in things started to come together rapidly and I was finally making substantial progress. Wish I had talked to my co-worker about this project about a week ago instead of today. Frankly, I was ready to take an incomplete in the class thinking I had finally met a technical hurdle I could not get my mind around. That was probably lack of sleep talking but that is another story.

I had taken LIS 635 over the summer and in that class we had to do a detailed website with a large amount of content and multiple pages. We were told to use Google Sites to create the webpage. That experience was far more rewarding. While Google Sites has its limits it is more intuitive and I was able to design a website rich in content in half the time I have spent doing the WordPress assignment. However, WordPress is ubiquitous within all types of libraries. Perhaps that is the point. As future librarians we have to be aware of a lot of the processes that go into creating all the functions of a library. Byethost on the other hand can byet me!  I do not ever want to mess with it again. Your mileage may vary. Getting some rest now...

Kind Regards,



  1. I agree with you Kim and also took MLIS 635 last semester. Googlesites is much easier to use than WordPress, although I'm not sure if you can use Plugins? I think the hardest issue with WordPress is that there are too many plugins that end up not working and it's hard to figure out how to install them properly.

  2. I took 635 over the summer, and created a pretty extensive website on google sites as well. I think that creating a site via WordPress allows for much more customization and a more professional look. It also allows a blog to be incorporated into a site, which is a really nice feature. I think that it would be much more difficult to have a dynamic site with frequent updates on google sites. I also had some difficulties and frustrations with the plugins, but they do allow the user or organization to create a site to meet their specific needs.

  3. I will have to concur with you both on the plug in issue. Now that I have created a site using WordPress and had a chance to tweak and play around with it more I am beginning to see the benefits over Google Sites. I am going to attempt to do another site at a later time to apply some new knowledge post the assignment.

